2023 DLEAG Seizures and Arrests Show Rise in Peddling Highly Addictive Drugs


The Drug Law Enforcement Agency, The Gambia (DLEAG), has released its annual report detailing its activities from January 1st to December 31st, 2023. The report highlights the agency’s efforts in both supply suppression and demand reduction programs, showcasing a significant impact on drug trafficking and abuse within the country.

Supply Suppression

The report outlines the types and quantities of drugs seized during the period. Cannabis sativa, cannabis resin (hashish), cannabis ruderalis (skunk), cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, clonazepam, methamphetamine, ecstasy, tramadol, diazepam, and MDMA were among the substances confiscated.

In total, the DLEAG seized:
– 1 ton, 954 kilograms, 34 grams, and 492 milligrams of cannabis sativa
– 133 kilograms, 600 grams of cannabis plantations
– 9 kilograms, 598 grams, and 883 milligrams of hashish
– 1 kilogram, 841 grams, and 554 milligrams of skunk
– 7 kilograms, 352 grams, 121 milligrams of kush
– 184 kilograms, 46 grams, and 398 milligrams of cocaine
– 78 grams, 266 milligrams of crystal meth
– 74 grams of heroin
– Various quantities of other drugs

Comparative Seizure Statistics

When compared to 2022, the report shows a mixed trend in seizure statistics. While there were increases in the quantities of cannabis sativa, cannabis plantations, skunk, kush, heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and other substances, the DLEAg has recorded decreases in cocaine, clonazepam, tramadol, diazepam, and MDMA seizures.

Cases and Arrestees

In 2023, the DLEAG recorded 623 cases involving 633 accused persons, with 539 Gambian nationals and 94 non-Gambian nationals. This represents a slight decrease from the previous year in both total cases and arrestees.

Breakdown of Foreign Nationals Arrested
The report highlights that 33 Senegalese, 7 Bissau Guineans, 4 Conakry Guineans, 9 Nigerians, 34 Sierra Leoneans, and other nationals were among the foreign nationals arrested. Notably, while the total number of Sierra Leonean nationals arrested increased, the total number of Senegalese nationals arrested decreased.

Age and Gender Distribution

The majority of those arrested for drug-related offenses were youth between the ages of 18 and 35 years. Male arrestees accounted for 96.68% of the total, while female arrestees made up 3.32%.

Seizures/Interception of Firearms

In addition to drug seizures, the DLEAG intercepted nine firearms, including pistols, a hunting gun, and a rubber bullet pistol, along with ammunition. These cases were handed over to The Gambia Police Force for further action.

Returns of Prosecution

The report indicates that out of 152 cases prosecuted, the DLEAG secured 132 convictions and 21 acquittals, reflecting the agency’s commitment to enforcing drug laws and combating drug-related crimes.

The report underscores the ongoing challenges posed by drug trafficking and abuse in The Gambia and emphasizes the importance of continued collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the community to address this issue effectively.

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