
Gambian Parliament Divided Over Tourism Board, Adopts Petition Report Amid Allegations of Mismanagement

Gambiaj.com – (BANJUL, The Gambia) – The National Assembly of The Gambia debated and narrowly adopted the resolution report of the Public Petitions Committee concerning serious allegations made against the Gambia Tourism Board (GT Board). The petition, filed by concerned staff of the Board, brought forward claims of graft, abuse of office, and controversial contract awards


Amadou Makhtar Mbow: The “Patriarch” of Senegalese Democracy Passes at 103

Gambiaj.com – (DAKAR, Senegal) – Amadou Makhtar Mbow, the esteemed former Director of UNESCO and a key figure in Senegalese political life, passed away on Tuesday, September 24, at the age of 103. Over the years, Mbow earned a reputation as the wise elder of Senegal’s political landscape, consistently advocating for democratic consolidation.


Jammeh Ally and Hezbollah Financier Mohammad Bazzi Pleads Guilty in U.S. to Terrorism Financing Charges

Gambiaj.com – (BROOKLYN, United States) Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi, a prominent Hezbollah financier and close business associate to former Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh, has on Friday pleaded guilty in a federal court in Brooklyn to conspiracy charges related to conducting unlawful transactions with a Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization.


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