Gambia Military Chief Calls for Increased Security Collaboration

Mamat Cham CDS – (KERR PATEH) – Lieutenant General Mamat O. Cham, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), emphasized the importance of collaboration between security services during his nationwide tour of military installations. General Cham stressed that cooperation is vital in maintaining the country’s peace and stability.

“As security services of the country, we are not competing with anyone,” General Cham said. “Let us work together in ensuring that we jealously safeguard the nation’s peace and stability so that Gambians can live in peace and go about their businesses without any hindrance.”

General Cham’s comments come during his first annual tour since his appointment as CDS. The tour allows him to directly connect with GAF personnel and assess their living and working conditions. He will also meet with regional governors, traditional rulers, and members of other security services.

This focus on collaboration reflects The Gambian government’s commitment to prioritizing the safety and security of its citizens. General Cham assured residents of Kerr Pateh village in the Lower Badibou District that the GAF is dedicated to addressing security concerns within the community.

“Maintaining the peace and stability of the country and protecting people’s lives and properties will continue to remain a priority for the government of The Gambia,” he added.

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