GFF Clarifies Misunderstanding Over Football Trials in Schools

School football – (BANJUL) – The Gambia Football Federation (GFF) has addressed a misunderstanding regarding football trials in schools. The issue arose from a circular issued to the Regional Education Directorates, which the GFF became aware of through social media.

According to Lamin M. Jassey, the General Secretary of the GFF, the program in question is a FIFA initiative known as the Talent Development Scheme (TDS). Launched in The Gambia in August 2023, the TDS aims to create permanent regional and national U-13 and U-15 football teams. These teams will represent The Gambia in future regional, national, and international competitions.

Jassey clarified that while the targeted age groups include school-going children, the GFF is not directly working with schools. Instead, they are focusing on youths within the specified age range, whether they are students or not. He emphasized that the activities are not conducted in schools or during school contact hours, minimizing any impact on the students’ lessons.

The GFF expressed disappointment with the Secretary General of The Gambia Schools Football Association, who authored the letter, for allegedly misleading the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education. Jassey highlighted that the Association is a bonafide member of the GFF, and the Secretary General, Mr. Alasan Sey, is also the coordinator of their school-going football programs. He suggested that Sey should have sought clarification from the GFF before issuing the letter.

Jassey reassured the Ministry of Education of the GFF’s commitment to collaboration and stated that they have encouraged their regional coaches to work closely with the regional education authorities.

The GFF emphasized that they have never bypassed the Ministry to deal directly with schools and expressed willingness to provide clarifications and further information as needed.

The GFF’s response underscores their dedication to football development in The Gambia and their commitment to maintaining a positive relationship with the Ministry of Education.

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