Opinion – Israel Onslaughts in Gaza, a Pattern to Second “Purveyor of Violence”.


Despite the recent submission of genocide charges against Israel by the South African ANC government at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Africans have not forgotten the collaboration between Israel and apartheid South Africa, which underscores the intertwined histories of oppression and resistance. Which poses the following question: Is the mass murder unleashed by Israel on Gaza inherent or learned behavior? A contextually brief history of the creation of this bellicose state, Israel, that its imperialist creators can’t even control, is of significant importance.

How else can Israel’s conduct be characterized as belligerent and bellicose with its “scorched earth policy” of destruction against non-combatant Palestinians in their search for Hamas? Israel has defied the “Geneva Convention” of the United Nations and told the U.S., “Screw you!”

The fact of the matter is that Israel has been out of control since its inception by violently displacing the indigenous Palestinians and banishing many of them to the neighboring countries of Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon. And those that remained are confined primarily to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Israel has waged wars against all its neighboring countries in the hunt for and pursuit of Palestinian freedom fighters. Invoking the “Holocaust victims,” Israel skillfully hides behind the “Never Again” slogan, constantly utilized to justify its military aggression and muddling all critics as “anti-Semitic.

The creation of Israel, against the backdrop of post-World War II geopolitics, is a stark reminder of the imperialist designs that have shaped the modern world. The displacement of Palestinians and the entrenchment of Israeli apartheid reflect a pattern of dispossession and domination that resonates with Africa’s own experiences.

Zionism collaborated with apartheid

The creation of Israel is important for Africans to understand. After World War II, as the British Empire declined and the United States emerged as a major power, Uganda was suggested as a potential homeland for Jewish people. This plan, called the “Uganda scheme,” was supported by British leaders like Joseph Chamberlain and Arthur James Balfour. However, the then British Foreign Secretary, who supported the Zionists, would have played out in history as yet another “settler colonial state” in Africa.

But to the victims of the “Nazi holocaust,” Uganda was not a holy site enough for the reparations they demanded and deserved. Palestine was the most appropriate piece of land, the holiest of all the lands that “guilt-ridden” Europe and the United States of America promised Hitler’s victims. Thus, began the displacement of Palestinians and the entrenchment of Israeli apartheid.

The unprecedented support of the Palestinian struggle for liberation by Africans, particularly from South Africa, is not by happenstance. It stems from the memory of the remarkable collaboration between the state of Israel and the Apartheid regime. Chaim Weizman, Israel’s first president, and General Jan Christian Smut, who also held multiple cabinet portfolios in the Union of South Africa settler colony, supported each other’s state laws to suppress the displaced indigenous populations of South Africa and Israel, respectively. This relationship runs deep in the veins of Israel and apartheid; the Zionists established a “kibbutz”—”Jan Heights”—in honor of Smut.

Israel and the Apartheid State of South Africa, the two strategic bastions of European imperialism, collaborated to such an extent that they obtained nuclear weapons, as quietly as they have been kept. And while the U.S. and its allies campaign against nuclear proliferation, especially in non-European countries that are under constant threats to “denuclearize” or suffer consequences of sanctions, the two Apartheid regimes, Israel and South Africa, were exempt.

Subsequent to the “arms negotiation,” as opposed to an arms struggle against Apartheid and the ascension of the African National Congress (ANC) onto the “saddles of power,” it is said that comrade Fidel Castro, during his visit to South Africa, asked Nelson Mandela, “Where are the nuclear weapons that the Apartheid regime attained?”

There has never been a satisfactory answer about those nuclear weapons to date. In order to keep the “class peace,” the ANC government will go to any length to preserve the meaningless peace to stay in power while the miserable conditions of Africans continue to get worse.

The recent submission of the charge of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by the South African ANC government is an example of the deep seated painful memory of Apartheid in South Africa. In the event that the “bravery” displayed against the invincible Israel was not driven by “petit bourgeois radicalism” to boost popularity at home and win the upcoming elections, the ANC government ought to bring a more appropriate genocide lawsuit against the Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, the Sahel, and Haiti. We, the Africans, were the first to charge for genocide!

Acting on its warning, the ANC should take the case of genocide against Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the U.N., and the bully pulpit of the U.S. This could create a precedent that compels us to put our demand for reparations on the table.

Although it is simply one strategy in the broader African revolution, African governments shouldn’t be the only ones using the ICJ to try colonialists. The general populace needs to start interfering more in governmental matters. During a recent conference in Germany, Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor, showed his unwavering support for Israel with a truculent demeanor. However, he was just as ignorant as his predecessors about the genocide that Nazi Germany’s progeny had committed in Namibia against the Herero and Namaqua Africans between 1904 and 1908. Namibia needs to be prepared to discuss restitution.

One thing unites the white settler colonies of South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Kenya and the “white European Jewish” state of Israel: they purge the native populations from their lands and assert their ownership through pillage, rape, and theft.

As vile as the white settler state of Israel has been since its inception in 1948, they know how to fight for reparations as an entitlement, and they’ve been getting them to date.

As for us Africans, we have yet to coin the word to describe what has happened to us from the heinous oppression of the Arabs, Europe, and America. Even though we use “genocide and Holocaust” to describe our misery, none of these equate to what happened to Africans—the “destruction of Black African civilization.” In fact, the word genocide came into the vocabulary in 1944, around the period of World War II.

That’s why our demand for compensation makes many in America and Europe shudder. The snide reaction to our reparations demand is that slavery was a thing of the past. Let’s move on from it and move on. Barack Obama, your favorite US president, is against paying reparations to African Americans who founded the country’s global economy. So, do African leaders who oppose reparations, such as former Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade. On the other hand, anyone who dared to disagree with Israel’s demands for political, economic, and military reparations from the imperialists would be sent to the “antisemitism” gulags.

America likes ruffians!

The guilt-ridden Europeans, particularly Germans, Americans, and those scared of being labelled anti-Semitic, have made Hamas’ October 7, 2023, attack on Israel the focal point of the 75-year colonization of Palestinian territory. Anything prior to Hamas’ recent attack is now history. The United States of America, “the greatest purveyor of violence,” has long praised tyrants such as Joseph Mobutu Sese-Seko of the Congo, Augusto Pinochet of Chile, and countless others. By far, Israel is the worst monster that America and its lapdog European allies have ever created, and they can no longer manage it due to its bellicose actions in this region known as the “middle east.”

The Biden administration, like the ones that preceded him, celebrated the terror Israel unleashes in the “middle east” by sending more arms and ammunition. This bombardment will not stop until Hamas “says uncle,” like Ronald Reagan used to put it to anyone who challenged U.S. hegemony.

Because Biden believes he can win a war with Iran after losing the one in Ukraine, the ruling class in the United States will support Israel to the extent of taking the lead in the conflict. Most reliable historians concur that Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” implemented after the second imperialist war, revived capitalism and established the United States as a global superpower. Regarding Biden, he claimed to be quietly working with Israel to lessen the needless devastation. If he wins, he intends to implement his “New Deal” to reconstruct what Israel has devastated in Gaza.

Finally, who will sanction Israel when the U.S. and its European allies created the United Nations, which serves as the “veto bully pulpit” against powerless nations? In its 79 years of existence, the United Nations has vetoed all resolutions that are critical of Israel’s bellicose behavior towards Palestinians and all its neighboring countries. Therefore, the U.N. is the least likely institution to guarantee Palestinian freedom as long as the imperialists dictate the narrative at the security council.

If this brutal bombing had been occurring in other downtrodden nations by now, the United Nations would have sent out its “peacekeeping force.” Naturally, Israel and those who drafted it rejected the accusations of genocide and thought the ICJ lacked the authority to rule over the “chosen people.”

Following in the footsteps of his predecessors, Benjamin Netanyahu dug Israel into a hole so that it could never survive this catastrophe.

Israel’s apartheid system will operate similarly to that of South Africa’s apartheid. The Israeli settlement is unsustainable and loses all credibility with the global community. No amount of bombings will save Netanyahu and his gang of thugs, even with the escalation of violence in the West Bank.

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