President Barrow Urges Accountability as NAWEC Performance Review Reveals Significant Shortfalls

President-Barrow – (BANJUL, The Gambia) – President Adama Barrow met with the Commission on State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) and the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) Board and management on Wednesday. During the meeting, the Commissioners, led by Chairman Mr. Ousainou Ngum, presented the results of their assessment of NAWEC’s performance for 2021-2022.

The evaluation revealed that NAWEC only achieved 30% and 20% of its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 2021 and 2022, respectively. This assessment covered NAWEC’s financial, technical, operational, and management performance during the review period. The Executive Secretary, Mr. Bai Madi Ceesay, noted that the 2017 baseline was used for these KPIs.

In response to the report, President Barrow commended the SOE Commission’s work, describing it as a critical step in holding institutions accountable, a cornerstone of his public sector reform agenda. He acknowledged the challenges faced by NAWEC but stressed the importance of the institution taking ownership of its performance rather than making excuses. The President instructed the Commission to implement its recommendations, considering NAWEC’s recent efforts to improve.

One of the immediate actions taken by the Commission is a 5% salary reduction for NAWEC staff due to the failure to meet the KPI targets. This move underscores the need for serious attention to the challenges faced by NAWEC, particularly given the crucial role of electricity in the lives of Gambians.

NAWEC officials contended that using 2017 as a baseline was unfair, citing the lack of audited accounts for that year and the difficulties during the transition period. Honourable Nani Juwara, the former Managing Director and current Minister of Petroleum and Energy, suggested that 2022 figures would provide a fairer baseline, reflecting recent improvements and system changes. He expressed optimism about the foundation laid for better future performance.

Gallo Saidy, the current Managing Director, accepted the Commission’s decision and committed to working harder with his team. He highlighted that the presence of senior management at the meeting demonstrated a collective commitment to improving the company’s performance.

Finance Minister Honorable Seedy Keita praised the SOE Commission and emphasized the significant economic impact of NAWEC on the country. He pointed out that NAWEC’s performance affects the cost of living and poses other fiscal risks, making support for its transformation essential.

In February 2023, President Barrow oversaw the signing of Performance Contracts with State-Owned Enterprises to address underperformance issues. Following the passage of the SOE Bill and the establishment of the SOE Commission, experts from various fields were appointed to help improve service delivery performance of the SOEs.

President Barrow’s administration remains focused on reforming public institutions to ensure accountability and better service delivery for all Gambians.

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